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District Specific Approach

[ National Indicator Approach ] [ District Specific Approach ] [ ISO 9002 ]
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District Specific Approach (DSA) projects are co-ordinated by the Medical Officer of Health and the head of units. Among the projects that have been conducted are:


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  1. The rate of family planning by high risk mothers in the district - 1997.

  2. Quality Assurance study for the increased incidence of severe neonatal jaundice in the District of Melaka Tengah - 1995.

  3. Problems in tracing of high risk and defaulter cases among antenatal mothers in Klinik Kesihatan Jalan Gereja, Melaka - 1993.

  4. An analysis of patients response towards the services provided by the Health Clinics in Melaka Tengah - 1993

  5. Quality Assurance study for the increased incidence of ecclampsia in the District of Melaka Tengah - 1992.

The proposed project for 1998 is the assessment of the antenatal services provided by the Maternal Health Clinics in the District of Melaka Tengah from January to June 1997.

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